Sunday, 24 July 2011

HWH Blogfest! My first adult book

The first ‘adult’ book I read was ‘The Story of O.’ I was fourteen, and I bought it in an airport news shop before a trans-Atlantic flight. I was flying with my older brother, who ignored me as much as possible. This make it possible for me to devour 'The Story of O'  from cover to cover.

‘The Story of O’ is about a young woman willing to prove her love for a man by being his sex slave. He trains her to be the sex toy for his discreet men’s club. She is always blindfolded, but is sure she knows when he engages her.

It is acceptable erotica in today’s doors-wide-open world, but back in the ‘60’s, it was billed as taboo.

I learned a lot that flight.


  1. Oooh, sounds like you learned a lot on that flight...without your brother suspecting a thing!

  2. Ooh, that's definitely a real start to your 'adult' reading! Mine was very tame by comparison!

  3. Hi,


    Yes, but 'O' was far more serious reading than LC's Lover: the latter pure giggle fodder with euphemisms such as John Thomas!

    'O' is not a book I enjoyed. In 'O' the impression given is that he's in control, that he stimulates and dominates 'O's' every thought and sensation, yet in truth she is in control throughout. He merely provides for her inner desires.

    But, I did love "Exit to Eden" by Anne Rice, and can still remember the hero Elliot and Lisa the heroine. In this book he's a male 'O', but it's a much more realistic plot. He has reasons for doing what he does, knows what he's doing even though he has no idea what will happen to him or how it will pan out. He signs a contract, gives himself over to whomever, and all I'll say is, that he reverses game of play! ;)


  4. Never read 'Exit to Eden.'
    Yes, by the end of 'The Story of O,' the reader sees that she's in control. Quite a lesson in woman power.

  5. Great choice! I haven't read them, but they are definitely being added to my TBR list!

    Love you blog! :)

  6. Thanks, Amy! I need to feed it so it will grow!

  7. WOW!;-) I just stopped by from the blogfest. I've never read this one, but it looks very interesting. New follower here. I look forward to visiting again.

  8. Nothing like jumping into the adult book realm! Great choice! And I'll bet that was one of your most educational flights (at least I hope so).

  9. I've heard of this one before, and now I definitely have to add it to my "to read" list. That flight was very educational, lol. I'm glad I checked out your blog from the blogfest.

  10. O my! Not one I've come across. LOL! :O)

  11. I remember the scandal surrounding The Story of O. It broke new ground in the publishing industry.

  12. Thanks for the comments! Glad I could re-introduce a classic.
